Anti Age Infusion

Slows down aging and improves quality of life


Gives a radiant appearance

Health care from
the inside out

quality of life

Anti Age Infusion

What do you get?

Regina Life Anti-age infusion is an innovative drip that slows down the rate of aging in the body. Intravenous therapy contains a rich solution of electrolytes and minerals necessary for optimal hydration, since aging in biochemical “language” is synonymous with dehydration.

In addition, we put in a rich cocktail of antioxidants, such as glutathione, which has proven anti-aging properties, brightens the skin and gives it an elastic and firmer appearance. NAD+ is an essential coenzyme, a mandatory part of the Regina Life Anti-age infusion, which slows down cellular aging, accelerates metabolism and optimizes mental and physical activity.

The drip also contains many vitamins that have a strong antioxidant effect and lead to brighter and tighter skin, improve vision, liver health and metabolism in general.


Какво получавате?

Regina Life Anti-age инфузията e иновативен дрип, който забавя скоростта на стареене в организма. Интравенозната терапия съдържа богат разтвор от електролити и минерали необходими за оптимална хидратация, тъй като остаряването на биохимичен „език“ е синоним на дехидратация. Освен това влагаме богат коктейл от антиоксиданти, какъвто е глутатионът, който има доказани anti-age свойства, озарява кожата и й придава еластичен и по-стегнат вид. NAD+ е есенциален коензим, задължителна част от Regina Life Anti-age инфузията, който забавя клетъчното стареене, ускорява метаболизма и оптимизира умствената и физическа дейност.

Какво получавате?

Дрипът съдържа и множество витамини, които имат силно антиоксидантно действие и водят до по-сияйна и стегната кожа, подобряват зрението, чернодробното здраве и метаболизма като цяло.

Frequently Asked Questions

Intravenous therapies, also known as infusions or drips, represent a “cocktail” of vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, antioxidants and other beneficial substances for intravenous administration. Depending on the patient’s needs, medications with anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, metabolic or other therapeutic effects can be added to them. Through their intravenous administration, the useful molecules are transported directly into the bloodstream and guarantee 100% absorption and rapid saturation of the body.

During the intravenous therapy, a fine abocate is placed , through which the banks with a previously prepared combination of substances flow. In this way, the body effectively receives large amounts of essential macro- and micronutrients and cellular metabolism is strengthened.

Boosters are single substances for injection. They are a supplement to an individual or already ready-made formula and are applied to compensate for certain insufficiency or deficiencies or when it is necessary to introduce pharmacotherapy (medicines for the treatment or prevention of certain conditions).

The composition of the infusions is based mostly on the individual needs of each patient. A consultation is done in advance and tests are appointed, based on which the combinations of solutions we use are determined. An important part is the information from the examination – the patient’s goals, allergies, etc.

The frequency of the therapies depends mostly on the initial results, as well as on the wishes and goals of the patients. A package of procedures is usually recommended in order to achieve a long-lasting effect.

Chronic diseases require constant care from the patient. It is for this reason that intravenous therapies are recommended regularly as courses at certain time intervals.

Yes. In order to undertake such treatment, it is appropriate to be advised by a doctor, to be precisely examined and to be conducted by an anesthesiologist-resuscitator.

Infusion treatment is not aimed solely at filling proven deficiencies. Venous therapy is carried out in order to prevent the complications of some chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus for example. Through the intravenous introduction of various molecules, detoxification of the liver, easier and faster recovery from various infectious diseases, energy charging and others can be achieved .

Usually, the patient directs himself to a certain type of therapy, and the doctor modifies it in terms of content, according to the results of laboratory tests and physical examination.

Intravenous therapy lasts up to 2 hours, depending on its type. The Clinic also offers booster doses of vitamins and other healing substances, which are administered intramuscularly and take almost no time.

The side effects of this type of therapy depend on the individual reactivity of the patient. Usually the side effects are only positive, but some patients experience short-term nausea, dizziness. Diuresis is activated , which is usually a desired effect.

Doppler ultrasound examination, the direction of the blood flow in the vessels can be established and, through special formulas, the corresponding calculations can be made and the absence or presence of plaques in the vascular system can be assessed. Vascular risk is assessed more objectively and appropriate therapeutic decisions are made.

Arterial hypertension is a socially significant disease. Almost everyone who is overweight has high blood pressure. In order to determine how to administer an infusion to a person with hypertension, the cardiologist’s evaluation and laboratory tests are important in the first place.

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