Regina Life Clinic отвори врати в София

Grand Opening of Regina Life Clinic in Sofia

Regina Life Clinic, the newest specialized medical center with a metabolic focus, officially opened its doors in Sofia on May 16, 2022. The clinic will offer a wide range of personalized services tailored to patients’ goals, including medical metabolic testing, consultations with a cardiologist, orthopedist and oncologist, IV therapies, nutrition and anti-aging programs, internships and seminars.

The clinic’s team consists of proven specialists, including endocrinologist Dr. Rayna Stoyanova, orthopedist and traumatologist Dr. Ivan Uzunov, cardiac surgeon Dr. Delian Evrev, vascular surgeons Dr. Emil Belinski and Dr. Gergana Dimitrova, registered dietitian Kristina Vavura, health psychologist Neli Pavlova and Dr. Kalina Topuzova. They all attended the official opening together with many celebrities, diplomats, businessmen, medical specialists and media.

“We, the specialists at Regina Life Clinic, strive to provide exceptional services with a personal approach, innovative methods of the highest standards and, above all, quality care for our patients. With the opening of the clinic, we will give many people the opportunity to take the first step towards a better and healthier lifestyle,” said Dr. Rayna Stoyanova, endocrinologist and part of the Regina Life Clinic team.

Regina Life Clinic offers a comprehensive service tailored to individual patient needs and desires for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. It is located on 251A Okolovrasten Pat Street, Ring Tower Building, floor 12, and patients will be seen by appointment every weekday from 9:00am-6:00pm.

Чия семена

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds – small and hard seeds, fruit of a plant which quite resembles garden tea with extremely small size. These small seeds were grown only as decorative element until some time ago when by exploration of their content and useful properties it becomes clear they can be potential source of valuable substances for the organism.

It is hard to describe in several phrases all valuable properties of ‘the food for runners’ – Chia as it was called by the Indians. They claim its consumption is linked with energy burst and significant increase in endurance.

This is explained with the large amounts of potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and manganese in the seeds. Moreover the presence of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids increases the usefulness of the cereal.

Most of them are omega 3 fatty acids and alpha – linoleic acid in fact and there is sufficient data how useful they are for the good physiological state of the organism.

Pre-Holiday Challenge: How to Get in and Stay in Form after New Year?

The best “diet” is the one that does not require counting of calories and weights!

The last month of the year is full of various wonderful days: students’ holidays, Christmas balls, St Nicholas Day, Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Unfortunately December is also the month in which most of the people gain the most kilograms. We usually move less and eat more and denser food in winter, and the holidays often contribute to even more abuses.

Almost each day in December is linked with partying, coming out and celebration. Around the Christmas shopping, the ladies but also the gentlemen are engaged with the selection and purchase of suitable dresses for the holiday dinners.

All this fuss almost for sure is linked with desire to show in our full glory and best form which is generally a difficult task on the background of systematic festive overeating.

That’s why, dear friends, in the remaining ten days till the New Year’s I challenge you!

I throw the glove and invoke you to take advantage of the vanity around Christmas and New Year’s holidays to take care of your brilliant form, and instead of a few “extra” kilograms to shine in your best form right in January.

I don’t like at all the word “diet” because I believe that healthy nutrition actually should be a way of living, but sometimes we really have to take more drastic measures which if adequately measured, justified and applied with thought, can be great start or restart for your dreamed silhouette.

Protein shakes are perceived as a quick solution for those who want to be slim and healthy, but don’t have time to prepare healthy food every day. Most of my patients on high-standing jobs, exposed to high stress, owe their perfect figure precisely to similar products.

But what are the benefits of the protein shake, what exactly it contains as ingredients and the most important – how it will help you to lose weight?


One such shake contains a powdered form of the protein, such as soy or whey, which is a byproduct in the production of cheese and other dairy products.

Various superfoods, minerals, amino acids, fibers, flavors are added to these ingredients and when mixed with water or milk they turn into the known and delicious shake. The recommended doses are different, but usually it comes to about 20 grams of protein. The protein intake in combination with regular exercise is a widely accepted way of muscle mass gain.

According to the studies, the protein shakes and generally the higher protein intake at the expense of carbohydrates also inhibits the secretion of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for the hunger feeling. Thus appetite is suppressed effectively. Similar studies and trials intensely impose these shakes on the market as a product for the masses, not as it was a few years ago – only for fitness maniacs.

We can find special scientifically developed kits with protein shakes and supplements for healthy and effective weight loss on the Bulgarian market for some time. Along with the shakes you can find probiotic kits, alkalizing supplements and draining teas in the kits – all these are supplements that are essential for a healthy fat reduction.

Such are the products Figuractiv of the German company LR Health & Beauty. I mention them without doubting because I use them for some time in some of my patients and the results are present. Moreover, those who are losing weight feel motivated all the time, and this is very important psychological moment in each “diet”.

The ease of implementation of the program is another important factor. There is one global injustice with which the modern man still does not know how to deal: weight gain is easy and tasty as a double portion of cheesecake with blueberries, and losing weight requires complex calculations, sweating and lots of time.

The weight loss regimens can be horribly complicated, especially if someone should get rid of more kilograms. Exactly this is changed in that dietary concept. The rules here are maximally simplified, there is no counting of calories, weights and cooking as practically suitable ready foods can be found anytime and anywhere.

And of course, when the holidays are over, let’s not forget that the body needs constant care. If you can’t get in shape around Christmas and New Year but your New Year’s resolutions include long-term weight loss, the specially developed program 28 Days Body Mission of LR Health & Beauty is the perfect solution for early January. Besides shakes, soups and bars, you will find additional products in it, which promote fat burning and smartphone app with tips and motivational support.

Китайското зеле има ли предимства пред традиционното за България зеле?

Does Chinese Cabbage Have Advantages Compared to Traditional Cabbage?

Cabbage originates from the territory of today’s Spain, but due to its easy cultivation and good harvests, it was quickly promoted throughout Europe and became a favorite product of many nations.

Here in Bulgaria the so called “headed” cabbage is most familiar and it has many sorts, also known for their undeniable benefits to human health: red cabbage, kale, Savoy cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage. Broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi and turnips are their cousins. They all belong to the rich family of Cruciferae.

Chinese cabbage, as its name suggests, comes from China, namely the delta of Yangtze River. The first reliable reports of its use date back from 1500 years. In modern China the crisp pale green leaves, which grow in hard and elongated head are often used in stir-fry meals, because they have fine taste and take quite well the flavors of the other ingredients.

There is no particular big difference in the benefits from the consumption of any of the vegetables from the genus Brassica. Typical for them is the high content of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant, assistant in the fight against viruses and booster of the immune system. Moreover, the cabbage genus is full of bioflavonoids, indoles and genisteins, known for their anti-cancer properties. We should not ignore the low calorie value of cabbage, as well as the richness of fibers. They make the vegetable first ally in losing weight and cleansing the digestive tract of toxins.

The juice of fresh cabbage is used in folk medicine since ancient times for ulcer patients and for purification of liver and biliary tract.

The Chinese cabbage is characterized by a slightly higher water and protein content. Moreover, the specific odor of sulfur compounds, which occurs when cooking the cabbage from our parts, is much weaker in its Chinese brother.

Chinese cabbage has less durability than the well-known cabbage and is recommended to be used within one week of purchase. During this time it is good the whole heads to be stored in the locker for vegetables in the fridge and every appeared moisture must be removed with kitchen paper.

We live in times in which we are overloaded with information from all sides about the incredible properties of known and unknown miraculous “super” foods, which often have traveled thousands of miles to reach our tables.

It turns out that there are a lot of traditional products literally under our nose, such as cabbage, which in addition to its low cost and accessibility, win us also with its undeniable qualities and excellent taste.

Focus on diversity, always choose fresh vegetables.

Avoid the consumption of cabbage, especially in its raw form, in the following conditions: gastritis with high acidity, intestinal bloating, diarrhea, inflammatory liver and pancreatic diseases.

Гъбите- подходяща храна ли са при диета за отслабване?

Mushrooms – Are They Suitable For a Diet to Lose Weight?

Do I have to wash or is it enough to wipe with a cloth? (“24 hours”, 18/11/2017)

Edible mushrooms have served as food for humans since ancient times. The ancient Greek scientist Theophrastus, who lived in 370 – 285 BC, describes in his works agarics, truffles and many other mushrooms. The mushrooms were served not only on the folk table but also to khans and kings. By their chemical composition, mushrooms are very close to vegetables and meat. The protein content in them varies from 2 to 55% of the total weight of the mushroom, the larger part being in the “hat”. Fats are not so much – 0.5 – 4%, and the amount of carbohydrates is only 1.7-23%. Of course, each sort of mushrooms has its more specific content.

The average caloric value of mushrooms varies from 20 to 40 calories per 100 g of product. The truffles are the most calorific – 97 calories in 100 g.

The nutritional composition of mushrooms makes them an appropriate food for a diet to lose weight and to control body fat. The Hollywood stars Katie Perry and Kelly Osborne are among the popular celebrities who have boasted of a sculpted body through observing a special mushroom-based diet.

Recent studies from British scientists showed that mushrooms can actually help in the nutritional regimens for weight reduction. In the experiment, participants of different age replaced meat dishes with similar in size mushroom dishes 4 times a week.

For 5 weeks, each of those included in the experiment lost 6 kilograms, as their results were reported strictly individually.

Mushrooms contain significant amount of fibers, especially chitin and beta-glucan. Chitin is the most difficult to solve substance in nature. It creates a feeling of satiety in the stomach and regulates the passage of food through the intestinal tract. Beta-glucan is among the few scientifically proven natural immunostimulators.

It can be said that mushrooms are a wholesome food, as they contain 17 amino acids, among which the eight main ones.

The balance of the key amino acids (grams of amino acids / grams of protein) in mushrooms is comparable to those in the eggs. Six of the key amino acids are in amounts comparable to those in the eggs, and the other two – phenylalanine and methionine are less. Almost all vitamins from the group B are found in the mushrooms’ content – thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), choline (B4), pantothenic acid (B5) and folic acid (B9) – so important for the nervous system. Mushrooms are extremely important for vegans, not only because of the complete amino acid content, but also because they are the only natural, not artificially enriched nutritional source of vitamin D that is not of animal origin.

Regarding the question about washing the mushrooms, I have to admit that I hesitated much how to answer.

We are used to wash every vegetable we put on the table. It turns out, however, the mushrooms should not be washed under running water. There is a specific way to clean mushrooms and it is not as we wash them. Mushrooms have the property to absorb water in the same way as the dishwashing sponges. If we allow this, after heat treatment, the mushrooms will not get the appetizing brownish color. There are special brushes for cleaning mushrooms or the other option is with household paper. If you use paper, moisten it and rub the whole mushrooms with it one by one.

Как да преборим пролетната умора и да подсилим защитните си сили?

How to Overcome Spring Fatigue and Strengthen our Immune System?

When transitioning through summer and winter- our immune system is usually weakened, and our body finds it harder to meet the challenges of the new season. The sharp changes in the weather that we all experience further stresses our bodies. Apart from feeling more and more exhausted, tired and sluggish, we are more likely to get a cold, flu or parainfluenza than at any other time of the year.  Therefore, it is vital to take care of ourselves and strengthen our immunity during spring/autumn.

Vitamins and minerals – why are they so important and how to ensure we are getting enough of them?

In general, the best option to get vitamins and minerals for proper immune functioning is through a balanced and varied diet. For more vitamin C- rely on citrus fruits and rose hips. The optimal thing to do is to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables that are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

The role of fats – why are they a key element in nutrition regimes?

Immunity-important micronutrients are the fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which have a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. They are seen in carrots, sweet potatoes, milk, butter, liver, some nuts and seeds and avocados.

Vitamin D is also fat-soluble, and it has gained a lot of popularity lately since it proposes tremendous benefits in terms of our immune functions. Despite its name, it is not a vitamin, but a steroid hormone that can affect about 2,000 genes in the human body. It produces over 200 antimicrobial peptides such as cathelicidin, which is a naturally occurring broad-spectrum antibiotic. This is one of the reasons why vitamin D is so effective against colds and the flu.

The protective mechanisms of the immune system are affected by energy intake and nutrientintake as well. High-calorie consumption is associated with impaired lymphocyte (protective cells of the immune system) response. Moreover, increased dietary intake of fats suppresses the functions of other vital immune cells- T cells and natural “killer” cells. Numerous studies suggest that the capacity of “killer” immune cells is increased when fat intake is reduced from 32% to 22% of daily energy intake. In addition to the amount of fat in the diet- it is important to address the importance of the type of fat that is consumed.. Fish oils, for example, are rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory and suppress the release of cytokines and reduce their inflammatory action. Fats from nuts can also contain omega-3 fatty acids, mainly alpha-linolenic acids which is not a long-chain fatty acid, but it has the potential to help with the production of long-chain omega-3s in the body. It is advisable to avoid the overconsumption of sugar and sugar-rich foods since they also elevate cytokine production in the body.

The role of antioxidants

Leukocytes release free radicals in response to their interaction with an infectious agent. When they accumulate in the body, they cause the so-called “oxidative stress” which damages normal cells. Therefore, it is important to maintain an adequate antioxidant status in the body. Fruits and vegetables are rich in substances with antioxidant properties, especially those with bright and saturated colours- “traffic light colours”: vitamin C, carotenes, bioflavonoids. Green and black tea are also wonderful sources of bioflavonoids. Some minerals such as zinc, selenium, manganese serve as cofactors of enzymes that help with the proper functioning of the antioxidant system in our bodies. These minerals are contained in wholegrains, legumes and meat.

The role of proteins

Additionally, to improve our immune status, it is extremely important to consume an adequate amount of protein. Proteins are necessary for the synthesis of immunoactive molecules and receptor. Thus, they should be present in sufficient quantities in our daily diet. Vegetarians also have the potential to maintain a protein-rich diet if it is well-formulated. Animal Proteins have plant alternatives such as legumes: chickpea, lentils, soy. Other plants also contain protein: some vegetables like i.e.. broccoli, cereals, and nuts. Monodiets, the ones excluding whole groups of nutrients, shouldn’t be applied for a long time because it impairs the body’s immune function.

Immunity and gut health – how are they related?

A number of studies have documented the importance of our intestinal health in relation of the strength of the immune system. The microbiome is influenced by many factors and contributes greatly to our health status on so many levels. According to a study published in the Immunology Journal in May 2009, the complex effects of the bacteria in our body supports proper development of our defense mechanisms. Among these mechanisms is the intestinal lymphoid tissue. For example. Payer’s patches is a type of lymphoid tissue and it monitors the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the gut. When pathogens are detected, an immune response in the mucosa is generated and the immune system is activated with the help of macrophages, dendrites, B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes. However, gastrointestinal issues can lead to various imbalances such as vitamin, water or chemical imbalances that directly affect the health and efficiency of the intestinal lymphoid tissues. That’s why, it is extremely important to consume probiotic foods such as fermented dairy products- yogurt, kefir,. They contain bifidobacterial which can break down toxins and help in maintaining proper immune function. Moreover, they contain vitamins A, B, D and E which are essential for human health. There are many mechanisms in our intestines that contribute to the production of serotonin- the happiness hormone. On the other hand, fermented milk products contain the amino acid- tryptophan, which helps with serotonin production in the gut. Therefore, a healthy intestinal microflora can support good health.

In conclusion, balanced and varied diet rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, good fats, fiber and probiotic foods is a key factor in healthy immune system. Adequate sleep, hydration and regular physical activity are no less important for our health. Do not underestimate these factors because they are as important as nutrition. Try to consume seasonal foods daily, probiotics, lean meats, more fish, wholegrains and at least 1.5-2L water every day. Moreover, do not forget to address your thoughts and emotions. Positively charge yourself by smiling more. Be happy and enjoy life as it is!

Authors: Rayna Stoyanova, MD, and Kristina Vavura

Какво е затлъстяване и какво го причинява?

Obesity – Symptoms and Causes

Obesity is a medical condition that occurs when a person carries excess weight or body fat that might affect their health. A doctor will usually suggest that a person has obesity if they have a high body mass index.

Body mass index (BMI) is a tool that doctors use to assess if a person is at an appropriate weight for their age, sex, and height. The measurement combines height and weight.

A BMI between 25 and 29.9 indicates that a person is carrying excess weight. A BMI of 30 or over suggests that a person may have obesity.

Other factors, such as the ratio of waist-to-hip size (WHR), waist-to-height ratio (WtHR), and the amount and distribution of fat on the body also play a role in determining how healthy a person’s weight and body shape are.

If a person does have obesity and excess weight, this can increase their risk of developing a number of health conditions, including metabolic syndrome, arthritis, and some types of cancer.

Metabolic syndrome involves a collection of issues, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Maintaining a healthy weight or losing through diet and exercise is one way to prevent or reduce obesity. In some cases, a person may need surgery.

Now read on to find out why obesity happens.

1) Consuming too many calories

A person has a lower risk of obesity if their diet consists mainly of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

When a person consumes more calories than they use as energy, their body will store the extra calories as fat. This can lead to excess weight and obesity.

Also, some types of foods are more likely to lead to weight gain, especially those that are high in fats and sugars.

Foods that tend to increase the risk of weight gain include:

  • fast foods
  • fried foods, such as French fries
  • fatty and processed meats
  • many dairy products
  • foods with added sugar, such as baked goods, ready-made breakfast cereals, and cookies
  • foods containing hidden sugars, such as ketchup and many other canned and packaged food items
  • sweetened juices, sodas, and alcoholic drinks
  • processed, high-carb foods, such as bread and bagels

Some processed food products contain high-fructose corn syrup as a sweetener, including savoury items, such as ketchup.

Eating too much of these foods and doing too little exercise can result in weight gain and obesity.

A person who consumes a diet that consists mainly of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and water is still at risk of gaining excess weight if they overeat, or if genetic factors, for example, increase their risk.

However, they are more likely to enjoy a varied diet while maintaining a healthy weight. Fresh foods and whole grains contain fiber, which makes a person feel full for longer and encourages healthy digestion.

2) Leading a sedentary lifestyle

Regular physical activity can help prevent obesity.

Many people lead a much more sedentary lifestyle than their parents and grandparents did.

Examples of sedentary habits include:

  • working in an office rather than doing manual labour
  • playing games on a computer instead of doing physical activities outside
  • going to places by car instead of walking or cycling

The less a person moves around, the fewer calories they burn.

Also, physical activity affects how a person’s hormones work, and hormones have an impact on how the body processes food.

Several studies have shown that physical activity can help to keep insulin levels stable and that unstable insulin levels may lead to weight gain.

Researchers who published a review in BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine in 2017 noted that, while the designs of some studies make it hard to draw exact conclusions, “A lifestyle incorporating regular [physical activity] has been identified as a key factor for maintaining and improving many aspects of health, including insulin sensitivity.”

Physical activity need not be training in the gym. Physical work, walking or cycling, climbing stairs, and household tasks all contribute.

However, the type and intensity of activity may affect the degree to which it benefits the body in the short- and long-term.

3) Not sleeping enough

Research has suggested that missing sleep increases the risk of gaining weight and developing obesity.

Researchers reviewed evidence for over 28,000 children and 15,000 adults in the United Kingdom from 1977 to 2012. In 2012, they concluded that sleep deprivation significantly increased obesity risk in both adults and children.

The changes affected children as young as 5 years of age.

The team suggested that sleep deprivation may lead to obesity because it can lead to hormonal changes that increase the appetite.

When a person does not sleep enough, their body produces ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. At the same time, a lack of sleep also results in a lower production of leptin, a hormone that suppresses the appetite.

4) Endocrine disruptors

A team from the University of Barcelona published a study in the World Journal of Gastroenterology that provides clues as to how liquid fructose — a type of sugar — in beverages may alter lipid energy metabolism and lead to fatty liver and metabolic syndrome.

Features of metabolic syndrome include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure. People with obesity are more likely to have metabolic syndrome.

After feeding rats a 10-percent fructose solution for 14 days, the scientists noted that their metabolism was starting to change.

Scientists believe there is a link between high consumption of fructose and obesity and metabolic syndrome. Authorities have raised concerns about the use of high-fructose corn syrup to sweeten drinks and other food products.

Animal studies have found that when obesity occurs due to fructose consumption, there is also a close link with type 2 diabetes.

In 2018, researchers published the results of investigations involving young rats. They, too experienced metabolic changes, oxidative stress, and inflammation after consuming fructose syrup.

The researchers note that “increased fructose intake may be an important predictor of metabolic risk in young people.”

They call for changes in the diets of young people to prevent these problems.
Avoiding high-fructose corn syrup

Ready-made sauces often contain high-fructose corn syrup, which scientists have linked to a risk of obesity.

Foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup include:

  • sodas, energy drinks, and sports drinks
  • candy and ice cream
  • coffee creamer
  • sauces and condiments, including salad dressings, ketchup, and barbecue sauce
  • sweetened foods, such as yogurt, juices, and canned foods
  • bread and other ready-made baked goods
  • breakfast cereal, cereal bars, and “energy” or “nutrition” bars

To reduce your intake of corn syrup and other additives:

  • check the labels before you buy
  • opt for unsweetened or less processed items where possible
  • make salad dressings and bake other products at home

Some foods contain other sweeteners, but these can also have adverse effects.

5) Medications and weight gain

Some medications can also lead to weight gain.

Results of a review and meta-analysis published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2015 found that some medicines caused people to gain weight over a period of months.

  • atypical antipsychotics, especially olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone
  • anticonvulsants and mood stabilizers, and specifically gabapentin
  • hypoglycaemic medications, such as tolbutamide
  • glucocorticoids used to treat rheumatoid arthritis
  • some antidepressants

However, some medications may lead to weight loss. Anyone who is starting a new medication and is concerned about their weight should ask their doctor whether the drug is likely to have any effect on weight.

6) Is obesity self-perpetuating?

The longer a person is overweight, the harder it may be for them to lose weight.

Findings of a mouse study, published in the journal Nature Communications in 2015, suggested that the more fat a person carries, the less likely the body is to burn fat, because of a protein, or gene, known as sLR11.

It seems that the more fat a person has, the more sLR11 their body will produce. The protein blocks the body’s ability to burn fat, making it harder to shed the extra weight.

7) Obesity gene

A faulty gene called the fat-mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) is responsible for some cases of obesity.

A study published in 2013 points to a link between this gene and:

  • obesity
  • behaviors that lead to obesity
  • a higher food intake
  • a preference for high-calorie foods
  • an impaired ability to feel full, known as satiety

The hormone ghrelin plays a crucial role in eating behavior. Ghrelin also affects the release of growth hormones and how the body accumulates fat, among other functions.

The activity of the FTO gene might impact a person’s chances of having obesity because it affects the amounts of ghrelin a person has.

In a study involving 250 people with eating disorders, published in Plos One in 2017, researchers suggested that aspects of FTO might also play a role in conditions, such as binge eating and emotional eating.

Many factors play a role in the development of obesity. Genetic traits can increase the risk in some people.

A healthful diet that contains plenty of fresh food, together with regular exercise, will reduce the risk of obesity in most people.

However, those that have a genetic predisposition may find it harder to maintain a healthy weight.

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